Review // Super Slam Wrestling @ The Baths Hall

Super Slam Wrestling returned to the Baths Hall last night to a busy auditorium of wrestling fans of all ages, Featuring former WWE superstar Gangrel in the headline match.

2015-02-18 19.28.32
The hype started from the moment We walked in to the venue, with a merch stall selling reasonably priced paraphernalia such as event programmes, wrestling masks and the obligatory giant purple foam hands.

The friendly staff showed us to our seats and the show began. After the initial introduction from the compere, The first wrestler made their entrance in true showboat style, with disco lights flashing across the auditorium and loud music, adding to the electric atmosphere.

The entire audience was encouraged into cheering on the same character in the matches, by casting one wrestler as good and the other bad. This was achieved through their costumes, entrance theme music and their interaction with the crowd, with the ‘bad’ characters shouting and jeering at the crowd, whilst the ‘good’ shook hands and greeted fans. This helped unite the room into all cheering the same side, removing rivalry from the crowd and instead saw everybody cheering the hero.

There was a mixture of match types, including regular 1-on-1 bouts, a female match up, and a UK vs USA tag team match featuring the former WWE superstar Gangrel.

All the wrestling moves were impressively choreographed, with extra kudos given for working with the space they had. It was great to see wrestlers leaping into the ring and doing handstands off the corner buckles, as well as all the traditional wrestling moves, slams and pins popularised by characters on TV.

All in all the show was extremely enjoyable and certainly seemed a hit with the audience, particularly the younger members. For an extra £5, fans could purchase a backstage pass, allowing them to meet and greet the wrestlers they had just seen performing. A great idea at decent price for kids to meet the stars.

We will certainly look forward to Super Slam Wrestling when it returns to the Baths Hall in the near future with our foam fingers poised at the ready.

Reviewer: Casper Croft

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